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Why choose a commercial cleaning service like Kleanline?


Updated: Oct 2, 2024

Choosing Kleanline as your commercial cleaning company to be responsible for your site cleaning requirements should free up your time to deal with other areas of your business. Your business is your passion and that’s where your expertise should be focused, and we understand that cleaning is just a necessity to most businesses, but to us it’s the core of our business, so by choosing Kleanline as your commercial cleaning company it will make life much easier.

A Kleanline employee wearing high vis jumper cleaning the internal window of a bus.
Kleanline cleaning operative

Passion for our business.

Cleaning is our passion. Kleanline has been in business for over 25 years and we are good at what we do. Within this time, we have honed our skills, built lasting relationships with customers and suppliers. Invested in employees, equipment and continually evolve and invest in new technologies for our business. In a nutshell we are good at what we do, and we have a passion for cleaning. That’s what you need from a commercial cleaning services. Passion, drive and the ability to deliver.


Cleaning should be no different to other professional services.

Commercial cleaning companies like Kleanline are no different to any other professions out there. You’re going to get a better service when you employ professionals to carry out and manage the work.

I know a lot of people have a preconception that it’s just cleaning and that anybody can clean and manage cleaners however, with Kleanline commercial cleaning services what you’re getting isn’t just a cleaner. You’re getting 25 years of cleaning experience.  You’re getting a team that works with that cleaner, you’re getting knowledge and passion and expertise for cleaning, and the management of all aspects associated with cleaning from a dedicated team.

It’s knowing that

·       Kleanline commercial cleaning services main focus is your cleaning,

·       ensuring that it is carried out in an effective, safe and environmentally friendly way meeting all legal requirements.

·       Knowing that all our effort is going to providing you with an outstanding cleaning service, and this is our number one priority for you.


Why is using a commercial cleaning service like Kleanline is a positive step?

Unlike in-house cleaners where the manager of the cleaner will no doubt have other responsibilities, we have the sole focus of your cleaning and providing you with an excellent cleaning service. Using a commercial cleaner such as Kleanline would ensures that you don’t have to worry about the standards of cleaning on site or the impacts on your business.  Choosing Kleanline not only can create a better and cleaner working environment for yourselves but can also help with your health and safety, quality and your environmental impact. At Kleanline we put the health and safety and environmental impact at the forefront of our working arrangements, this can help you immensely. Knowing that we are following the correct procedures, that the risk assessments have been carried out and are site specific before work commences, that our employees are safe and secure whilst on your site and any impacts that we may have with the environment all been managed is what you require from a commercial cleaning contractor, and this is what Kleanline delivers.


Team work makes the dream work.

Having a team whose sole focus is to deliver our customers an excellent service, in a safe and environmentally responsible way,  leaving our customers  free to concentrate on other areas of their business. Our managers know that delivering an outstanding service is not just about the standards of cleaning being carrying out. Commercial cleaning company’s like Kleanline should be carrying out and delivering audit reports to the customer, providing the correct paperwork ensuring that health and safety and environmental standards are met and engaging regularly with the customer and cleaners. No cleaner should feel alone in their role, they are part of a team that works to deliver an all round service to a customer. Kleanlines managers understand this and are hands on within the business having a focused team means we are able to deliver a first class all round service.



Employee training is key in delivering an exceptional cleaning service.

There is an art to cleaning and not everyone can clean. This is where employee training is key to ensure that all cleaning operatives understand the proper techniques to be used whilst cleaning. They also require chemical training, health and safety training, environmental training and customer service training. As mentioned before commercial cleaning services is a professional service and expecting employees to carry out work without the adequate training is not providing a level of service you would expect from a professional company. Training is key to delivering an exceptional service level.


Not every cleaning chemical does the same job.

Choosing the right chemical to do the job plays a big part in the cleaning process. Not all chemicals are the same, they don’t work same, you will find some are better than others and each environment will affect the cleaning chemical differently.  Commercial cleaning companies like Kleanline are able to look at different types of chemicals asses their suitability for the purpose of cleaning, know what cleaning products will work better in more challenging environments as well as the environmental impact and sustainability of the chemical. Its also important to know the concentration of the chemical to be used. Commercial cleaning companies also dig a little deeper in the products they use, not just the environmental impacts but how sustainable they are and the supply chain information. This is time consuming, so hiring a professional cleaning company take the stress out of this and ensure that you are meeting all your legal requirements.


More than Just cleaning.

Kleanline spends a lot of time investigating and investing in new products and working with its employees to come up with the best ways of working on site the best processes and the best practices. This is time consuming but is important to ensure that the standard of service delivered is next level. There are different levels to cleaning, everybody can grasp the basics of cleaning but to ensure that the environment stays clean for longer working with the best process is a must.

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